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Wander Argentina is one of the largest English-language websites focused on life, travel and culture in Argentina.

It reaches tens of thousands of readers every month who are planning to travel, or work remotely in Argentina as well as those interested in Argentine culture, food, sports, language and entertainment.

Most of our traffic comes through Google and other search engines.

We are also active on social media with accounts on:

Banner Advertising

We offer a range of banner advertising opportunities.

To place display ads on this website, please sign up with our partner Mediavine to bid on ads that will appear on this site →

Sponsored Ads and Branded Content

We love to partner with companies who we know are also committed to providing great value to customers.

We are open to marketing and sponsorship opportunities and our wide-ranging feature articles and in-depth culture and travel information touch on a number of different affinity categories that relate to Argentina.

Our affinity categories:

  • Media & Entertainment
  • Travel & Travel Buffs
  • Lifestyle & Hobbies
  • Sports & Fitness,
  • Music & Theater Aficionados
  • Green Living/ Mindful Travel
  • Shopping & Apparel
  • Outdoors & Activities
  • Learning & Spanish Language
  • Food & Drink

— If inquiring about a sponsored post, please include how the subject matter relates to Argentina.

If it isn’t related to Argentina, we won’t respond.

—When outlining your proposal, please be mindful that this site has a Domain Authority of 50+ — the budget should be in accordance.

—Please note, that we are not interested in link exchange schemes.

— All advertising links on this website follow the FTC guidelines for online publications and that includes no paid ‘do follow’ links.

Ads on Wander Argentina

Companies interested in advertising their Argentina-related service or product via a sponsored post or branded content on the website or in our newsletter, please get in touch with your proposal and ask for a copy of our media kit and rates.

Publisher & Editor, Ande Wanderer is a journalist and travel writer who started her career in print journalism before moving online.

Her editorial specialties are in-depth cultural and investigative features and mindful, responsible travel.

Check out Ande’s personal website to find out more, or to contact her directly.

—If you would like the latest traffic statistics and page rank information feel free to get in touch and request our media kit via our contact form.

If the above didn’t answer your question, please see our ‘About’ and ‘Our Services’ Pages.

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