Eco-fashion in Buenos Aires


The runways of Buenos Aires may not be quite like those of New York or Paris, but the city is emerging as a player in the ‘eco-fashion’ industry.

While several companies are pursuing the production of textiles using natural fibers and dyes that are less harmful to the environment, one company, Indarra.dtx is producing high-tech ‘eco-clothing’. The line includes breathable bamboo fiber t-shirts with designs that morph in color with changes of temperature or light, solar paneled jackets and interactive sportswear. Imagine hiking in Jujuy with a solar jacket, powering your I-pod as you go, and having the ability to control it via a button on your pants.

Although the fashion world is usually dominated by female consumers, fashion designer, Julieta Gayoso says that most of her customers are technologically-hip men.
Co-produced by Ande Wanderer and Argentine journalist, Iair Kon.

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