Wander Argentina Contributor Guidelines

fileteado sign -- 'you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps'

-Please make sure that all articles are factual. Double check names, phone numbers and any information provided in stories.

We dislike plagiarizers and ‘aggregators’ who don’t cite their sources, since so called blogger and journalists do it to us so frequently.

Your work needs to be 100% original, and if you draw firsthand research from somewhere else, you need to provide a link to them. We check all contributors’ articles for plagiarism and ‘rewrites’ before publishing.

-Due to the inflation, please don’t include prices of anything — just indicate if the price is cheap, mid-range or pricey. We use a one to five range of dollar signs ‘$-$$$$$’ to indicate cost.

–We only want articles written in the third-person, unless your name is Diego Maradona, Cristina Kirchner or Mauricio Macri.

– Our goal is to be comprehensive in our coverage of locations or attractions. We want long, thorough articles composed of short, clear and concise sentences.

–We follow standard Associated Press style. If you’re unsure, please look up the rules before sending your copy. As much as it pains many of our U.K. contributors, we use U.S. spelling for uniformity.

–Avoid tired clichés! Okay, it’s hard to avoid the old cliché in travel writing, but we’ve all heard ‘Buenos Aires is the Paris of South America’ a million times. Put a new twist on that old cliché. How about ‘Paris’ bustling South American counterpart’?

-It is fine to use the occasional Spanish word in a story if it is relevant to the article, but remember that not all your readers speak Spanish.

Qualify the use of Spanish words and Argentine terms so that readers know what you’re talking about.

– We don’t accept articles that editorialize or politicize — we are just want to provide useful, accurate information and present it in an entertaining way .

–Our readers are English-speaking travelers from all over the world, the kind of folks who don’t just travel to a place and discover all the coolest places to go, but who also want to have a deeper understanding of the culture in the areas in which they travel.

Our writers are well-traveled wordsmiths who aim to deliver accurate and interesting travel information that will serve readers for years to come. Always keep your audience in mind.

Use gender-neutral terms wherever possible. Avoid ethnocentric or pop-culture references, unless they’re relevant to the story.

Write for your readers, not for yourself.

–Send articles as Google Docs and high resolution photos stored on Google Drive or on a third party service such as Flickr.

–We don’t publish fiction, poetry, press releases, sponsored posts or guest posts or articles not directly related to travel in Argentina or Uruguay.

What Type of Editorial Content We’re Looking For:

– We are particularly interested in pieces for these departments: uncovered destinations, tango, eco-travel, family travel, profiles of well-known Argentines, food and drink pieces and travel information related to Argentina.

The best front-page features are generally 1,800-3000 words, well-organized, include quotes by knowledgeable locals or experts, are clearly divided into subsections and accompanied by at least three photos.

Our Terms

– Our most prolific writers will be featured with a photo and a bio on the Contributors’ Page.

Although we offer certain perks, we don’t pay one-off contributors directly at this time but do for repeat and long-term contributors who are given guidance on developing their talent and their writing careers.

Previous Wander Argentina contributors or those who have previous published clips who are able to turn in accurate, well-research articles with clean copy can inquire about rates.

-We’re dedicated to helping Argentine travel writers and journalists reach a wider audience. We accept submissions in Spanish, to be translated by the editor.

– We happily accept interns wishing to dip their toes in the editorial or tourism waters. Areas of contribution include social media, photography, writing, web development and tour guides.

–We reserve the right to edit for brevity, clarity, to match the tone of the publication and to update information.

Send submissions to: editor{at}wander-argentina.com

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