Best of San Telmo Fair: Music

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Tango, folk, jazz, bossa nova and Argentine ‘national rock’ –- it can all be heard live on the San Telmo streets for free on Sundays.


Among the most remarkable groups is the 12-piece tango orchestra, El Afronte, who perform on Humberto Primo near the corner of Defensa. While here, you can check out the beautiful Iglesia de San Pedro Telmo, one of Buenos Aires’ oldest cathedrals, dating back to 1734.

Contemporary Music

There are always buskers coming and going at the San Telmo Fair and it seems like a new group appears every week. Cuerdas del Sur is a tight three-piece contemporary ensemble who have been performing at the street fair for years. Often they can be found playing on the corner of Defensa and San Lorezo.


Very popular are a growing number of candombe drum troupes playing in the later afternoon. The drummers bang out their Afro-Uruguayan sounds and slowly begin to shuffle through the crowds, gaining a following of dancers as they go along. The beats provide an opportunity to dance in the streets – literally.

Best of San Telmo Fair: Street Performers

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