For computer problems, broken phone screens or if you just need a cable in Buenos Aires, head down to Galería Jardín.

This shopping gallery has dozens of shops to find cables, monitors, gamer equipment, and get reasonably priced computer and iphone and Android phone repairs.
Most people in Argentina use P.C.s, so finding repair shops and accessories for P.C.s isn’t too difficult.
For Apple-compatible products you may have to shop around a bit more.
Galería Jardin’s History
The architectural travesty that was the 1970’s for Buenos Aires, as with many other cities in the world, is on display at Galería Jardin, Florida Street 559 .
The ugly 23-floor office building is the former location of the Buenos Aires’ Jockey Club, torched in the 1950’s by militant Peronist party members.
The current high-rise atrocity was inaugurated in 1978.
It’s notable though, because the ground floor open air gallery is Buenos Aires’ primary destination to purchase computer related equipment such as hard drives, routers and modems.

Purchasing Computer Equipment
The trick to find the best product at the best price at the garden gallery is to compare prices in a few different locales— they can vary widely and usually the stores in the rear and on the second floor tend to be cheaper.
Some good bets are Datasoft, upstairs in locale 428 for patient customer service and for Mac users, Alimac in locales 371 and 385.
They stock Apple compatible products that are up to half the cost of the official Apple store nearby, on Córdoba Avenue.
Computer products, particularly those that are imported, tend to be significantly higher-priced in Argentina than in the U.S. or Europe.
Many of the products are imports from China and some are black market items from Paraguay.
In 2008, the daily newspaper Clarín reported a claim by an unnamed source that 80% of the 2000 PC’s sold here per year have pirated software.
If making a major purchase, check to see if the store has a warranty policy.
If you have an excuse to wander up to the upper floors of the Galería Jardin office building, you can get a great bird’s eye view of the city.
→cont. reading: French-Style Architecture on Florida Street—The Argentine Rural Society
Galería Jardín
559 Florida
Hours: Most stores open from Mon-Fri, 10am—7:30
Locale 428
Tel: 4393-3100
Alimac Tecnologica
Locale 385
←cont. from: The Naval Center— A Beaux-Arts Gem on Florida Street