Milhouse Hostel: BA’s Party Hostel

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Milhouse Buenos Aires Logo: highlighting its party appeal

Milhouse Hostel in the center of Buenos Aires’ is one of the most popular and largest youth hostels.

The infamous Milhouse Hostel deserves a mention if only to confirm that, yes, what you heard is true.

Milhouse’s fame as the number one hostel for debauchery continues even though it’s a HI-approved hostel and a few years ago the family that runs the place swore they wanted to take it down a notch.

The truth is Milhouse’s party reputation is what makes it so successful and this is still a hostel that parties all night and sleeps all day.

Young visitors party at the Milhouse Hostel in Buenos Aires

The location, just blocks from Plaza de Mayo and walking distance to San Telmo can’t be beat for it’s central location that permits ease of travel throughout the city.

Nearby neighborhoods have some good restaurants and interesting sites, and from here there’s all sorts of transportation options to the city’s nightspots such as those in Palermo.

The five-story 19th century building is beautiful, and the first floor lounge with couches, a pool table, a boob tube and a bar is spacious and great for meeting people.

The biggest drawback for lushes is that Milhouse takes advantage of the no-outside alcohol policy by jacking up the prices they charge for drinks.

A multitude of activities are on offer, from soccer games, city tours, tango classes and without fault, club-hopping every night of the week.

The reception area can get overcrowded during peak hours, and there aren’t enough computers for the number of guests, but that’s the price you pay for popularity.

Hostel Security & Social Scene

A dance party in the common area at Milhouse Hostel, Buenos Aires

Due to increased crime in Buenos Aires’ hostels in recent years, security has tightened here.

Most notably, guests must wear a bright orange paper bracelet throughout their stay to confirm their guest status, which is good to prevent crime.

But the ‘hostel jewelry’ is not exactly low profile and kind of brands you as gringo prey while you’re out on the town.

The bottom line is if you’re young, want to party, make lots of new friends and enjoy the best of Buenos Aires’s nightlife, Milhouse is the spot to stay.

If you want to hang out with more Latin Americans, instead of mostly Americans and Europeans, practice your Spanish, or actually want to sleep at night you’d be better off looking for another hostel or maybe booking a private room at a pension or Airbnb.

Worth noting are the numerous ‘Milhouse Marriages.’

At Milhouse Hostel romance has blossomed many times from what began as mere beer-goggled glances across the lounge.

Milhouse Prices and Room Options

A picture of the common area at Buenos Aires' Milhouse Hostel

Dorm beds go for under US$25 per night.

Private rooms are available and are quite nice, but the prices, are a bit steeper.

You could probably find a two or three star hotel room for around the same amount as a private room at Milhouse, but then you’d miss out on the social scene.

Millhouse is so popular that they opened a second location with over 200 beds on the famous Avenida de Mayo.

Nothing wrong with ‘Milhouse Avenue’ as it’s called, but there’s nothing like the original.

Make sure you make reservations at least 48 hours in advance, as the famed hostel does fill up.

Milhouse Hostel Hipo
Hipolito Irigoyen 959,
Tel: (54-11) 4345-9604

Milhouse Avenue
Avenida de Mayo 1245
Tel: (54-11) 4383-9383

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