Carnival in Buenos Aires is a grand fiesta that takes place every year throughout February until the Carnival holiday weekend.

See this neighborhood-by-neighborhood parade guide to find out where you can catch your colorful local carnival dance troupe take to the streets.
There is typically a big central end-of-carnival party in downtown Buenos Aires on the official carnival holidays.
In 2025 the future of official celebrations of Carnival is uncertain as the city faces budget cuts, but the mugueros will perform in the end — if not downtown on Avenida de Mayo, in their neighborhoods.
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Buenos Aires Murgas in Carnival 2025
Some of the colorfully named murgas who will delight onlookers with their songs and flashy Carnival moves his year include:
- Resaca Murguera (Murguera Hangover)
- Alucinados de Parque Patricios (Hallucinating of Parque Patricios)
- Los Duendes de Caballito (the Goblins of Caballito),
- Los Elegidos del Dios Momo (The Buffoons Chosen by God),
- Los Mimados de la Paternal (The Pampered of Paternal),
- Los Fantoches de Villa Urquiza (The Braggarts of Villa Urquiza)
- Los Verdes de Monserrat (The Perverts of Monserrat).

Neighborhood Carnival Information 2025

Times: — Every weekend in February and Carnival weekend.
Buenos Aires celebrates its carnival with different corsos (parades) throughout neighborhoods of the city on the weekends.
The parades begin at 7:00 p.m. with ‘criticas‘ (humorous critiques of political or social figures) and shows with dancing and bands in the following neighborhoods:
Top Locations for Carnival Parades in Buenos Aires (2025)
San Telmo
- Streets: Parque Lezama (Brazil and Paseo Colon)
- Dates: Every weekend of February & Carnival weekend
- Times: 6:00 PM to midnight
La Boca
- Streets: Palos entre Espinosa y Villafañe:
- Dates: February 22-23, March 1-2
- Times: 7:00 PM onwards
- Streets: Plaza Unidad Latinoamericana (Costa Rica and Medrano)
- Dates: Every weekend of February and Carnival Weekend March 1—4
- Times: 6:00 PM to late night
- Colegiales
• Streets: Around Polideportivo Colegiales (Freire and Concepción Arenal).
• Dates: Every Saturday and Sunday in February, and Carnival Weekend between March 1st and 4th.
• Times: Every weekend of February and Carnival Weekend

In the case of rain, events will be rescheduled for the following weekend

Carnival Holiday Weekend
Carnival holiday weekend is March 3 & 4 this year (2025).
Carnival weekend is a federal holiday so expect abundant Carnival parades in the neighborhoods listed.
With more carnival-friendly governments in office, there used to be a big finale that took place near Plaza de Mayo and along Avenida de Mayo up to the intersection of 9 de Julio.
However, since nothing has been announced this year, it looks like the central parade on Avenida de Mayo won’t happen, so check out the show in your local barrio.
Buenos Aires Carnival Tips:
• Wearing easily stained garments such as silk to carnival celebrations is NOT recommended because kids run around spraying foam indiscriminately. Watch your eyes but don’t worry about street clothes as the ‘carnival snow’ generally dissolves quickly.
• Be careful with expensive cameras as well because non-local carnival visitors are fair targets to be ‘foamed’ by mischievous youth.
For additional Carnival information call: 4342-8199 or see the City of Buenos Aires website Carnival Information.