St. Paddy’s Day Celebrations in Buenos Aires ☘️

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On Saint Paddy’s Day, everyone claims to have Celtic blood and it’s no different in Buenos Aires.

Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated annually in Argentina to commemorate the passing of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland who died on March 17 in the year 493.

irish flag that says Irish in Argnetina with a four leaf clover
(Saint Patrick’s Day is ‘Lá Fhéile Pádraig’ in Gaelic)

Irish Pubs in Buenos Aires to Visit on St. Patrick’s Day

On March 17th in Buenos Aires, visitors will find St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the city’s ‘Irish Pubs.’

The most popular spot for Saint Patrick’s Day revelry is in the neighborhood of Retiro where some of the city’s oldest Irish pubs, DownTown Matías, John John, The Kilkenny, are congregated.


Downtown Matías is the oldest Irish pub, opened in the 1970s.

Kilkenny brought out the Irish spirit though, after opening in 1997, when Buenos Aires’ good economic times were still rolling.

The pub was part of the Guinness Original Irish Pub Concept to promote Guinness and meld it with the traditional Irish Pub abroad.

In 2001, Kilkenny pub made all the news channels when 60,000 people showed up outside their doors on St. Patrick’s Day.

Ironically, after Argentina’s economic collapse a few months later Guinness could no longer be imported for the better part of two decades.

Now Guinness is back. It started being manufactured in Argentina in 2021, the first time it is being made in South America.

If you arrive very early there may still be some traditional Irish dishes such as Colcannon, made the Argentine way.

Be forewarned, later on, it’s pretty wild.

These rowdy bars are nothing like granny’s favorite village pub in Ireland, especially on St. Paddy’s Day.

Watch this video to see the usual scene that takes place every year.

Saint Patrick's day in Buenos Aires news coverage
News coverage of Saint Patrick’s Day in the Retiro neighborhood of Buenos Aires (link opens in new window).

Indeed, in part due to the out-of-control party, the city decided to move the official celebrations away from the pubs and to Plaza de Mayo in previous years, to lessen the typical St. Paddy’s Day chaos but now it is back in Plaza San Martin in the Retiro neighborhood.

Kilkenny Pub in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Kilkenny, Buenos Aires’ most famous Irish Pub opened in 1999, is now back with its original owners

On Saint Patrick’s Day itself, March 17th in Buenos Aires sometimes people also gather in Plaza Irlanda (Irish Square) in Caballito, from 11 a.m. onward to celebrate the Irish, but there has been no official announcement this year.

If there’s not much action in the plaza, they may have moved on to the nearby Slainte Irish listed below.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025

In Buenos Aires, there is an annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade to help the more than 500,000 Irish descendants in Argentina celebrate.

This year, Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations will return to the Plaza San Martín area (Retiro) at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 16th.

The Grand Captain of the parade will be Maria Cristina Brown, a direct descendant of Admiral Guillermo Brown, the ‘Father of the Homeland at Sea.’

Traditional Irish food and beer will be on offer in surrounding pubs.

The elves, fairies, bagpipers and Irish dancers will honor the homeland with the parade.

San Patricio. Buenos Aires celebra Irlanda

Afterward, there are live music and dance performances featuring Irish-flavored rock and folk groups, which usually include a U2 tribute band along with performances by the Irish dance troupes, Emerald Dance and Celtic Argentina.

The event is hosted by the Argentina-Ireland Association, the Buenos Aires city government, and the Irish Embassy in Buenos Aires.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

March 16 in Retiro, in Plaza San Martin
• 4:00 p.m. Parade and Celebrations

Top musicians from the Argentine-Irish community will perform

St. Patrick's Day revelers in Buenos Aires

Irish Pubs in Buenos Aires by Neighborhood

Irish Pubs in Retiro

Down Town Matias — Reconquista Street 701

John John — Reconquista Street 924

The Kilkenny — Marcelo T. de Alvear 399

The Irish HouseSan Martín 979

Saint Patrick’s IrishPres. José Evaristo Uriburu 1714

The ShamrockRodríguez Peña 1220 (Recoleta)

A picture of an Irish-style pub with the words 'St. Paddy's Day in Buenos Aires' and 'Wander Argentina' on the footer.

Irish Pubs in Palermo

Sullivan’s Irish PubJorge Luis Borges 1702, Palermo

Slainte Irish Pub PalermoFitz Roy 1747, Palermo

DublinersHumboldt 2000, Palermo

Irish Pub Chacarita

• Slainte Irish Pub — Av. S. Martín 6066

Irish Pub Recoleta

• The Shamrock — Rodríguez Peña 1220

Irish Pubs in San Telmo

The Clover Pub Av. de Mayo 1357/ Piedras 78 (San Telmo)

The Malin HeadBolívar 583 (San Telmo)

Irish Pubs in Centro/Downtown/Monserrat

Temple CentroMarcelo Torcuato de Alvear 945

The Celtic PubCarlos Pellegrini 551 (Microcentro)

Other St. Paddy’s Day Events Around Argentina

Some smaller towns around the country have their own St. Paddy’s Day celebrations, usually on the Saturday closest to Saint Patrick’s Day.

The town of Luján in Buenos Aires province will be celebrating the 124th anniversary of their St. Paddy’s Day pilgrimage and parade on the 16th as well.

That will be followed by a mass in the Basílica Nuestra. Sra. de Luján, which is lit up green at night.

In the Basilica itself, there are Gaelic inscriptions and names.

The service will be followed by a lunch and social that will feature Celtic music and dance.

The event is organized by the Federation of Irish Argentines and the Irish-Argentine Association of Luján.

The local Pub Notre Dame de Luján is the place for the after party and they now have real Guinness.

The Hurling Club of Buenos Aires

St. Patrick's Day Hurling Club flyer

The Hurling Club of Buenos Aires, a club founded by Irish immigrants in 1922, also has a yearly festival, and then dinner and dance to honor St. Paddy’s Day in their very authentic-looking pub.

☘️Saturday, March 16th we celebrate St Patrick’s at Hurling Club

🇮🇪We invite you to participate once again in one of the most important holidays in the Irish community.

👉🏻Various sporting activities will be developed from noon and the event will continue until 02:00 am, including a kermese with games for the kids, traditional dances, bands, raffles, etc.

Sporting events of the date:

Traditional sports:

– Hurling match Hur

– Gaelic Football Match ⚽

Local sports:

– Rugby & Mixed Ability Matches

– Hockey Games

💚 Hurling Club

The Hurling Club
Gdor. Vergara Avenue 5415

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